Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Concept work with title and butts

Amy and I will be seeing each other this week for sure, so we can do more planning, but chapter 2 is coming together, as are plans for 3 and 4. Enjoy Bard and Colienne being sexy pants together!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Colienne, Get yer gun.

This has been sitting in my "to do" pile of artwork for a long time, and while it is still not done, I think it turned out really well!

Colienne McAllister, as she would appear in her travelin' clothes. I forgot how much fun it is to use my Copic markers and a white pen, so I went to TOWN on this drawing.

Friday, March 2, 2012


When Amy and I last hung out, I did these sketches while we planned out chapter 2, I totally had a blast doodling characters and stuff.